
Poetry, politics, cookies, cribbage, much more for your West Seattle Wednesday

(Daffodil, photographed by Janelle Otterholt)

Here’s our list of what’s happening on your Wednesday, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Wednesdays at 10 am, too! Meet at 47th/Fauntleroy.

TODDLER READING TIME AT PAPER BOAT: 10:30 am at the bookstore’s new location. (4522 California SW)

AMERICAN MAH JONGG: All levels welcome, noon-4 pm at The Missing Piece (35th/Roxbury).

FREE WEBINAR FOR FAMILIES WITH BABIES: Learn how to prevent food allergies while introducing solid food to your baby. Free webinar presented by Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care (WSB sponsor), 12:30 pm. Our calendar listing has the link you can use to register for this (and to view past Lunch & Learn presentations).

REJUVENATE YOGA: Weekly class at Viva Arts, 1:30 pm. Drop-in. $20. (4421 Fauntleroy Way SW)

TODDLER STORY TIME AT SW LIBRARY: 3 pm at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).

GIRL SCOUT COOKIE BOOTHS: This year’s Girl Scout Cookie in-person sales continue today, after school! Go here to look for a cookie booth near you – multiple troops are selling at various spots, during various time slots, in West Seattle, through this weekend.

HOMEWORK HELP: 4-7:30 pm free drop-in help at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond).

FIX-IT WORKSHOP: Fix it, don’t toss it! Weekly event, free (donations appreciated), 5:30-7:30 pm at West Seattle Tool Library (4408 Delridge Way SW, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center).

CRIBBAGE NIGHT: Monthly event at the West Seattle Eagles (4426 California SW) but membership is NOT required. 6 pm, all ages, everyone welcome. Coincides with the Eagles’ Taco Night if you want to buy food. More info in our calendar listing.

POETRY AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: 6-8 pm, PoetryBridge gathering at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).

WEST SEATTLE URBANISM: Open invitation to the group’s weekly meetup, 6-8 pm at Great American Diner & Bar. (4752 California SW)

FREE GROUP RUN: All runners, all levels, are welcome to join the weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) group run – meet at the shop by 6:15 pm.

HIGHLAND PARK IMPROVEMENT CLUB MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 6:30 pm at Duwamish Longhouse (4705 W. Marginal Way SW) – info in our calendar listing.

LIVE MUSIC AT THE LOCOL: 6:30 pm. 21+. Rotating performer slate. (7902 35th SW)

TRIVIA x 3: Three Wednesday trivia locations on our West Seattle list: Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 7:30 pm … Quiz Night begins at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) … and at 8:30 pm, trivia with Phil T at Talarico’s (4718 California SW), all ages until 10 pm.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Our area’s largest political group has its monthly meeting at 7 pm at the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall (9140 California SW). See the agenda here, including King County Executive candidate spotlights and a farewell to former State Sen., now state Commerce Director, Joe Nguyen.

MUSIC BINGO: Play at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm.

SKYLARK OPEN MIC: Ready to take the mic and show your talents? 7:30 pm signups for West Seattle’s longest-running open mic. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

Planning an open house, reading, tour, fundraiser, sale, discussion, show, meeting, presentation, etc., that’s open to the community? Please send us info so we can add it to West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

1 Reply to "Poetry, politics, cookies, cribbage, much more for your West Seattle Wednesday"

  • alkiannie March 12, 2025 (11:22 am)

    what a beautiful picture of the daffodil

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